Liner Division
Hanson Carriers is committed to providing customers with efficient and comprehensive general cargo liner transportation services, mainly transporting various types of steel, engineering vehicles, engineering projects, jumbo bags of raw materials, plywood and other goods. At present, the main routes we operate cover many regions such as major ports in the Far East to South Asia, the Persian Gulf, the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, Europe, and the Caribbean Sea in Central and South America. With the endorsement of the company's own fleet and over 60 TC & TCT vessels, the company's average number of ships dispatched per route each month is basically stable at 4-5 voyages。
Core Routes
Far East - Indian Arabian Gulf
Far East To India-Arabian Gulf Route

4-5 voyages per month, mainly covering China to major ports in East India, Sri Lanka, West India, Pakistan, and the Persian Gulf;
China-India-Persian Gulf Frequency: 4-5 voyages each month.Covering the main ports of China, India,SriLanka,Pakistan,Persian Gulf.etc.
Far East - Mediterranean Black Sea
Far East To Med-Black Sea Route

4-5 voyages per month mainly cover China to major ports such as Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Spain, Turkey, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, etc.

China-Black Sea/Med Sea Frequency: 4-5 voyages each month.Covering the main ports of China, Egypt, Libya,Tunisia,Algeria, Spainmed,Turkey,ltaly,Romania,Bulgaria,etc.
Far East - Europe
Far East To North Conti Route

Monthly service, covering major ports from China to Morocco, Spain, France, Belgium, Netherlands, UK, Germany, Poland, etc. Leixoes/Bilbao/La

Rochelle/Antwerp/Rotterdam/Bremerhaven/Gdynia/Liverpool China-Europe Frequency:1 voyage each month.Covering the main ports of China,Spain,France,Belgium,Netherland,Britain,Germany,Poland etc.
Far East-US Gulf-Central America
Far East To U.S Gulf - Centeral American Route

Fareast and SE Asia to Manzanilo / Buenaventura / Guavaquil / Callao / Altamira / Houston / New Orleans etc Frequency: 1 voyage each month
Far East - Brazil
Far East To Brazil Route

From the Far East and Southeast Asia to ports in Brazil and South Africa, there is one voyage per month, mainly covering ports of discharge such as Durban, São Francisco do Sul, Pesén, Manaus, etc.

Fareast and SE Asia to Durban/Sao Francisco do sul/Pecem/Manaus etc

Frequency:one voyage each month

West coast of India and Arabian Gulf-Mediterranean and Gulf of Mexico, East coast of North America
W.C India & Arabian Gulf To Med & Us Gulf & E.C North America

There are 1-2 voyages per month from the Persian Gulf and the west coast of India to the Red Sea ports, Mediterranean countries such as Greece and Italy, and North African countries such as Egypt and Algeria.

Persian Gulf - Mediterranean Routes: Frequency 1-2 Voyages each month from the Persian Gulf and the West Coast of India to the Red Sea ports, Mediterranean countries Greece and Italy,etc and North African countries Egypt and Algeria,etc. Persian Gulf - North America Routes: Frequency 1 Voyage each month from the Persian Gulf and the West Coast of India to Canada, the United States, Mexico,etc.

Southeast Asia - Indo-West, Arabian Gulf and Mediterranean
South East Asia To W.C India & Arabian Gulf & Med Route

Southeast Asia - India Persian Gulf route: One voyage per month, from Southeast Asia to the west coast of India and Persian Gulf ports, including the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and other countries.

Southeast Asia - Mediterranean route: One voyage per month, from Southeast Asia via the Red Sea to Egypt, Turkey and other countries in the Mediterranean.

South East Asia - Persian Gulf & West Coast of India Routes Frequency one voyage each month from the S.E Asia to the West Coast of India & Persian Gulf, Including UAE, Saudi Arabia, Iraq etc.

South East Asia - Mediterranean Sea Routes: Frequency one voyage each month from the South East Asia to Mediterranean Sea via Red Sea, including Egypt, Turkey etc.

If you need to know the latest shipping schedule information of Hanson Carriers, please follow our company's WeChat public account.